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Environmental Stewardship

Community Roots Academy has been awarded the California Green Schools Silver Level.
Click here to learn more.

CRA strongly believes in the responsible use and protection of the natural environment through conservation and sustainable practices.

Our curriculum, policies and practices are designed to promote environmental awareness and stewardship. Students develop an appreciation for the environment through curricular, projects, guided outdoor experiences and overnight trips.

Environmental Stewardship

Green Champs

Going Green is more than just a slogan at CRA.  Our commitment to recycle, reduce and reuse has energized CRA scholars to honor and protect the environment here on campus and wherever they can influence others to recycle more and recycle right.

Our Discover Garden is literally and figuratively at the center of our CRA campus and community and is a living laboratory where our students improve their life skills, including working with groups, and gaining self-understanding.

CRA maintains a Green Champs program, consisting of teachers, administrators, students, parents and community partners to evaluate our environmental impact and help initiate changes that reduce our ecological footprint. Students participate in on-going initiatives to promote conservation and reduce waste on campus.

Community Roots Patch Blog

Read the Latest on CRA’s
Community Roots Patch Program


Green Champs Blog

Read the Latest on CRA’s Green Champs Program