Andrea Knudsen
Andrea Knudsen has taken on the role of Curriculum Specialist (or Pedagogista, using the term from the educators of Reggio Emilia) at Community Seedlings. Andrea oversees curriculum development, documentation of children’s work, ideas and theories, as well as offering continuing education opportunities to the teaching staff at Seedlings. Carrie Fetter, Eve Fein and Andrea collaborate on the long term professional development goals for staff, ensuring that the children at Seedlings have teachers who are current in their understanding of both child development in general, and the work of the Reggio Emilia educators in particular. Andrea also specializes in environmental design for children’s spaces, both indoors and out, and has collaborated with Seedlings staff in the design and development of all indoor classrooms and studios and outdoor classroom spaces at Seedlings. She brings over 30 years of teaching experience to the role of Pedagogista. She is an Adjunct faculty member in the Fullerton College Child Development and Educational Studies department, working with students through a number of courses, including the Reggio Emilia course, Environments for Early Childhood and various curriculum classes along with Student Teaching.